Evenimente viitoare

Eveniment Începe în Data începerii Data încheierii
DAMAGE_EXPLOSION ... 13.03 23:15 23.03 23:59
Eveniment Flori ... 14.03 00:00 16.03 23:59
Eveniment Bonus ... 15.03 00:00 16.03 23:59
Eveniment Bonus ... 15.03 00:00 16.03 23:59
Eveniment Bonus ... 15.03 00:00 16.03 23:59
Eveniment Bonus ... 15.03 00:00 16.03 23:59
Eveniment Bonus ... 15.03 00:00 16.03 23:59
Eveniment Bonus ... 15.03 00:00 16.03 23:59
Eveniment dublu drop Șefi ... 15.03 12:30 15.03 13:30
Eveniment dublu drop Șefi ... 15.03 21:30 15.03 22:30

Battle of Kingdoms

      Bring out your most colorful items and come defend your kingdom in a new showdown. The Battle Administrator manages a battle of the kingdoms, each kingdom has a metin stone that they must protect from other enemies, the last stone remaining wins the event.

The winning kingdom receives a 40% increased rate for the entire weekend.
The kingdom in second place receives a 20% increased rate for the entire weekend.
The kingdom in third place remains at standard rates.

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          Grab your fishing rod and catch fish! As soon as you've caught a Minnow, you go and take it to the Fisherman, he will give you a reward.

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          It's time to take the Pickaxe from Deokbae and start mining. When you've gathered 100 ores, take them to Deokbae to receive a chest with valuable items.

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Tanaka Pirates

          From time to time, the Tanaka Pirates, famous for raiding ships, anchor their vessels and pay a visit to the taverns throughout the kingdoms.
          They carry various stolen goods on them.

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Revenge of the Bosses

          The gong resonates in the Magic Land, and the bravest and most powerful warriors are called to war!
          Grab your sword and armor and heed the call to battle, you are needed to defeat the demons and prevent the world's destruction. Defend your kingdom and avenge the souls of those who have been brought to their knees by evil!

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Ox Competition

          Do you think you know enough about Metin2? We invite you to test your knowledge in two rounds of the OX Competition.
          Each round contains 10 questions about our server, and there's a prize for each question. There's also a participation prize!

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Blacksmith's Chest

          It seems that the blacksmith's house was robbed by monsters from the kingdom.
          From what I understand, each one took off with a valuable chest.
    Make sure they don't keep the chest!

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Moonlight Chest

          When the sun sets, it's time for the "Moonlight" chest drop to be active.

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Math Event

          Do you think you're smarter than the person next to you? Come and prove it at our server's math event.
          The quickest correct answer will be rewarded!

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Book Day

          Everyone should read books! If you have an unused book, Soon will exchange it for other books.

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PvP - Dojang

    Every month, we will organize a PvP event for kingdoms or 1 vs. 1.

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